Sunday, July 27, 2014

Trek and Travel #3

I finally got around to photographing the Wild Birds Unlimited sanctuary garden!  I feel so accomplished - I've been hoping to get myself back over here so I could do that.  Here are the photos:

The entrance, with a fun snake metal art on top of the entryway,
The front of the accompanying bird and garden store.
A pretty garden.
Signs with directions and rules!
Entering the garden.
When you turn left from the entrance.  I snapped a photo and then turned right in this photo sequence though!
I think it's like a pictogram: Luther rocks!  Luther is the name of the fluffy shop cat (whom I unfortunately forgot to take a photo of!)
A little fountain spewing from a rock, which you can see when you turn right from the entrance.
The majestic waterfall pond area!  I got a bigger and better photo this time.
A different angle of the waterfall and pond area.
A better view of the pond.
Going towards the back of the garden.
The row of roses here are SO fragrant when they are in full bloom!  They're wilting away now, as this summer has been unusually cloudy and chilly.  You get a pretty view of the bay as well.
Big shady tree - perfect for hot summer days.
The roses coming towards the end of their bloom.
The entrance back towards the waterfall and pond.
This is what you see when you pass by to walk back to the waterfall and pond.
The waterfall pond has an additional mini-waterfall and pond.
Fun little figures among the shrubs and undergrowth.
I don't know what this is called, but it was tall and bright!  This is literally eye-level for me (I am 5'1").
A shaded seating area that has a view of the bay.
Long pinecone charm!
I wish I knew the name of this flower.  It was so bright and pretty.
Another angle.
Bright blooms by the entrance!
Creepy looking tin can fish art!  The rust and gaping mouths are what creeps me out.

Almost forgot to include the second compass near the waterfall.
A swinging bench by the entrance.
Decorative rocks!
Wild Birds Unlimited sign by the entrance.  They need to do a little trimming so the whole sign can be read, but I rather like the growth.

This was such a lovely visit.  They sell plants, bird feed, lots of bird feeders, and other decorative gardening objects.  I want to visit this place one more time when it's sunny before I leave for college next month!

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