Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I Won an iPad Mini!

So a few weeks ago, I received a phone call from my bank letting me know I won the customer service survey drawing for a free iPad mini!  I filled the survey out a few months ago, and I definitely didn't expect to win.  I figured my chances of winning were better as the Kitsap Bank is just a western Washington regional bank, as opposed to national.  And also, most of the people in my town are elderly and don't know how to use a computer or the Internet as well, so I figured there probably weren't too many people in th drawing.  You can never be too sure though!  I don't know how many people entered last quarter's drawing with me.  But the survey does not ask for your bank account information at all.  It's survey just on customer service.  I did put down contact information so I could be eligible to win the iPad mini, and now it's worked out!

The photo second from the left is me and the Sequim Kitsap Bank Branch manager with a little blurb that has my name in it!  See the web page for yourself here.
The new iPad mini at work while I was hanging out in a coffeeshop.  I had to have the Kitsap Bank Facebook page, of course.
I am so excited to use this iPad mini in college.  I use this Evernote app for checklists, and I can't wait to start taking class notes on it as well.  It's much easier to carry and handle than my laptop!

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