It has officially been one full week since my graduation commencement ceremony from Whitworth University! Unfortunately for me, I dropped my phone kinda funny and didn't realize in time that the auto focus was momentarily compromised for my pictures. No matter - I just banged the corner of my iPhone against a railing and that has since been fixed!
I graduated last Sunday with a bachelor of arts in accounting and a minor in philosophy. I took many elective classes (mostly yoga and Pilates with a dash of Financial Statement Analysis that almost drove me insane) so that I could graduate with 150 credits after four arduous years! 150 credits is not the required amount for an accounting degree. It is, however, the required amount for me to be eligible to sit for the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exams. I ordered the textbooks and review package from Becker, as that is what Moss Adams has stated they will cover for their employees - a $3.3k value. I truly feel lucky, blessed, and happy that I have landed such an opportunity with a reputable firm. Now, I will be spending my next seven months working part-time to save for my Seattle apartment rent and furniture as well as studying and taking the CPA exams. On average, it takes 974 hours of studying to pass all four exams. Keep your fingers crossed that I be lucky and studious enough to get at least three passed and out of the way before 2017! Cross your fingers harder that I pass all four before 2017 because they are officially adding a fifth exam in 2017!
The day before graduation: getting letters as the seniors of the Whitworth Cheer Team with Coach! |
From left to right: my Uncle David, my Aunt Anna, my little sister Anna, my dad, myself, and my mom! |
My grad cap design! It reads, "Though she be but little, she is fierce. 150 Credits Later..." |
Me and a good friend of mine, Nick! He's a fellow accounting major/degree possessor, and has been my classmate and friend since freshman year! He also lived in the same dorm as I did our freshman year! |
My friend, Conner, and I! I met him at the end of our freshman year. I got a photo with him before the commencement ceremony began. |
Snapshot of me right before I ascended the stage! |
My friend, Nick, and I! He's Conner's housemate and has been for the past two years. He is a sassy and witty English degree! |
My lovely friend, Julianne! I met her in the middle of freshman year! She is going on to med school in Atlanta - which gives us both excuses to take big trips! |
Holli with Julianne and I! Holli was my first best friend in college! She also has an English degree, and she introduced me to Julianne. |
Kaysee and I! Love this girl so much, and I'm happy to say that she plans on staying in the state of Washington! |
My sophomore year roommate, Emily! She roomed with Holli and I our sophomore year. She transferred into Whitworth and graduated last year. She will be a teacher in Alaska! |
An out-of-focus photo of our dinner at Mizuna! Great restaurant, especially for those with vegan and vegetarian diets. |
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