Monday, November 24, 2014

Playing Catch Up I

College sure knows how to bog a student down!  I have many many updates to share.  But I want to recollect everything in chronological order.  So allow me to tell you through photos:
Some classic scenic photos of Spokane:

The before-after process of my dorm room:

Got to attend my first wedding!  The bride was proposed to last year during a football game in October.  So I went with a couple of other cheerleaders to this beautiful wedding:
The Asians got to matching in navy blue dresses!
The Bride and I.
Went to another stunt festival in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho!

Had a mini-stunt fest at Gonzaga University with the Gonzaga cheerleaders!  I didn't get photos of my stunting, but these two are what I got!
A cute little house near the Gonzaga campus.
Whitworth's Fancy Feast with my freshmen teammates!

All Tied Up event with my RA (resident's assistant), my roommate, and our next-door neighbors!
Big chocolate mousse ice cream concoction at the Coeur d'Alene Resort!

My family got to come up and visit me during Whitworth's Homecoming weekend!

Another football game:
I'm to the right of the center ginger-haired cheerleader (the cheer captain).

A visit to Greenbluff is a Fall tradition at Whitworth!  These ladies are part of my hall in my dorm.
I'm the far left in the bottom row.
Me with a farm cat at Greenbluff.
At Whitworth, there is a little tradition where you have a small bucketlist to complete in order to graduate.  I got to complete the hardest item one rainy day.
I caught a virgin pinecone [a pinecone that has not touched the ground)!  I heard it crack in a pine tree, and I stuck my left hand out with my mug of coffee in it and I caught it perfectly!
The other two items in the bucketlist (known as "The Little Three") are to accidentally drop a plate in the dining hall, and to accidentally get hit in the head with a frisbee.

I got a Siamese fighting fish (better known as a betta) and named him Hank!

Took a few typical fall photos.
Got these boots for $11 and the stockings for $6 at Burlington Coat Factory!  The stockings came with a solid black pair as well.  Love bargains!
Whitworth featured this photo on Facebook!  I was so excited.  I called this one 'Leafblower Arrangements' on Instagram.

Dressed up as a black bunny for Halloween with my teammate, Sara!

Whitworth Cheer got to perform at Midnight Madness!
Close-up on me and Sara and our makeup and hair!

Here is a link to our Midnight Madness performance!  I am the black #15.  I start off as the left back tuck basket and then I am the right lib to heel-stretch, and then the middle layer for the pyramid stunts.

Whitworth Cheer made the front page of the Whitworthian (college newspaper):
There I am to the right in the black #15 jersey!

Accomplished the standing scorpion pose (it's a yoga position):

And these are from Whitworth's first basketball game against D'Youville!
Braced extension with our freshman male cheerleader, David, under me!
Heel stretches!  Mine could be a lot better, but I'm still feeling quite accomplished.

Some ending things that are the most exciting things that I do not have a photo for:
1. I got accepted to go on a service-learning trip to Eden, Jamaica over my spring break at the end of March!
2. I also accepted an internship offer with Fruci and Associates, PS in downtown Spokane for a tax season internship!  It's a paid internship and I get to work with CPAs.

I will try to keep this blog more updated with better planning.  I cannot wait for this semester to end so I can get on with my internship and my service-learning trip in the Spring.

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