Friday, June 26, 2015

Garden Flower Bouquet + Tips

I made a flower bouquet from my Aunt Anna's gardens!  Just thought I'd share the turnout with you.  It's quite a crowded bouquet, but I just loved all the flowers and I was simply too excited that my aunt was encouraging me to pick them.
Some tips she gave me:
  • Change the water daily to help extend the freshness of the flowers (ice cubes are nice too)
  • Put the vase in a sink filled with water overnight so that any bugs in the flowers (like earwigs) will crawl out and (unfortunately) drown - rather than seeing them roam your home
  • Pick some leaves/foliage to help fill up the bouquet - very nice for bouquets consisting of only one or two types of flowers

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Watercolor Wednesday

For this summer, I've been trying to use watercolor pencils daily!  I've just been doing perky, optimistic, and minimalist subjects.  I'm not a super-skilled artist, but I think I have a pretty steady hand!  I already see improvement in my watercolor pencil technique.  So while I haven't been completing each page daily, I am trying my best to stick to it!  So I think I will make weekly posts of my watercolor starting today.  I hope you enjoy!
June 6 - Cup of Coffee
June 7 - Ginger Kittie
June 8 - Sea Turtle
June 9 - Rainbow Hot Air Balloon
June 10 - Seahorse
June 11 - Red Icing Cupcake
June 21 - Summer Solstice
June 22 - Wishing on Dandelions
June 23 - Seattle Skyline
I've been doing my best to use all of my colored pencils from day to day.  You will also see how I have been including masking fluid in there too!

Monday, June 22, 2015

(Belated) Junior Year Wrap-Up

Here is a quick photo dump of my junior year wrap-up at Whitworth University!  It's more like new harem pants and a few photos of the trip back to western Washington.